Apple Leather


How Apple Leather is Made

Taking waste, making dry, laminating the density.

Apple leather, also known as AppleSkin, is a bio-based material made using the leftover pomace and peel from the fruit juice and compote industry.

The waste product consisting of the peel, body and fibers of the apple is obtained and the drying process is carried out.The dried product is mixed with polyurethane and laminated on recycled cotton and polyester fabric. Production is carried out according to the density and thickness of the final product.

The Process starts by taking the waste product which consists of the skin, stem and fibres of the apples and dry them.

The Dried product will be mixed with polyurethane and laminated on recycled cotton and polyester fabric.

According to the end product the density and thickness will be chosen. We are able to create different structures, colors and feels to imitate animal Leather such as snake and crocodile.

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